Pantomorpheanism holds that the set of all forms (the "Pantomorph") is a conscious entity and, in fact, omniscient. In their metaphysics, "omniscient" is virtually equivalent to "omnipotent," too, since they are idealists, in a way, and the will of the Pantomorph is identical to necessity. They are, of course, panentheists.
The Pantomorph (which is often identified with the One of Ideolatry) includes the forms of all possible souls (or characters or personalities; the terms are used interchangably). The number of all possible souls is very large, possibly infinite, possibly even of a high order of infinity (a point of theological dispute). The destiny of each soul is only the working out of that soul's basic nature – "character is destiny." Hence, could one but realize it, one's own will is also part of necessity.
The material world exists, but only as a necessary consequence of working out the destinies of souls. Souls also reincarnate.
There are three forms of Pantomorpheanism: Open Rite, Closed Rite, and Arcane.
This is the original form of Pantomorpheanism. Open lodges are open to the public. Each lodge elects a "reader" and a "speaker." The one leads the liturgical rituals, the other delivers sermons. Each lodge also elects one or more "councillors," who offer spiritual guidance.
The speaker's sermons are typically theological or ethical with an existential character, promoting being true to oneself and not screwing up the efforts of others to be true to themselves.
Pantomorpheans use a set of seven rituals:
An estimated 5% to 10% of Pantomorpheans also belong to a closed lodge, in addition to belonging to an open lodge. Open lodges may be any size, but closed lodges never have more than seven members. New closed lodges are formed by senior members of old ones, creating a branching cell-structure.
Membership is by invitation. Members of closed lodges believe themselves to be "veteran humans." Like all pantomorpheans, they believe in reincarnation, and they have a taxonomy of souls based on this belief:
Closed lodges busy themselves by determining the status of other people in this system, partly by covertly administered psychological tests, partly by patharchy, partly by playing with Tarot cards to tell fortunes on the others' behalf. Members of a lodge are also pledged to one another's mutual aid and to developing their mystical insight through meditative exercises.
That the closed lodges exist, and the bits about mutual aid and mysticism, are widely known among Open Rite Pantomorpheans and to interested members of the general public. The taxonomy of souls, the recruitment methods, and, of course, who is a member, are not.
Less than 1% of Pantomorpheans belong to an arcane lodge, in addition to belonging to open and closed lodges. They recruit from closed lodges, which they monitor for psi aptitude, using methods similar to the ones the closed-lodge members use on others, only telepathy substitutes for the Tarot cards.
Like closed-lodge Pantomorpheans, they are pledged to mutual support and mystical exercises. They are also pledged to the cultivation of psi powers. Their existence is known to Closed Rite Pantomorpheans, but only a rumor to others.