The imperial symbol is an Earth symbol with the left arm extended into a hook and the bottom arm extended down, forming an elongated Jupiter symbol superposed on the Earth symbol. This derives from the New Terraformer logo of an Earth symbol flanked by comet symbols. The Jupiter symbol connotes empire, Jupiter being king of the gods and the symbol itself being a stylized eagle, symbol of ancient Rome.
Another common imperial symbol is the string SPQI (Senatus PopulusQue Imperium, "The Senate and People of the Empire.")
The separate senatorial houses also have individual symbols, mostly brightly colored geometrical blazonings with astronomical themes.
Individual planets have flags (generally held long side vertical) usually with geometrical patterns, similar or even identical to senatorial flags. Imperial planets, which usually have their own senates, may also use the string SPQx, where x is the initial of the planetary name. (Troublesome planets, with governors instead of their own senates, don't get strings.) Some non-Imperial planets use RPQx (Regnum or Republicum PopulusQue X) or MPQx (Mundus PopulusQue X) or PPQx (Planetus PopulusQue X)
The Aondoar Stellar Republic has a flag based on the ancient American one, with nine stripes and 22 stars. They also use the strings ASR, RPQA, and EPU or EP1 (from E Pluribus Unum, a longer string logo of theirs).
Out of all the many Christian symbols, the chrismon (chi and rho superposed) is the most popular, though the cross runs it a close second, in particular, the "cross triumphant" or "victor cross," a Latin cross entwined with the victor's wreath.
The main Timonian symbol is an eye in a triangle, interestingly enough, though rarely in a pyramid. Sometimes, it is reduced to a triangle with a dot in the upper angle. It represents the eye of God, observing and illuminating the world.
The main Pantomorphean symbol is an inverted A superposed on a square, with the crossbar of the A forming the top of the square. This is a combination of two symbols from ancient logical notation, meaning "necessarily" (the square) and "all" (the inverted A).
There is no one symbol for ideolatry; each concept has one or more traditional symbols associated with it. See Ideolatry.
Of the many symbols for the cult of St. Yarth, the commonest are the blue-and-white marbled sphere or disc, and the quartered-circle Earth symbol, drawn in blue and white if color is available.